
Showing posts from November, 2021

[FLOTG] Chapter 22: The Best Present

<Falling Sleet> was so stunned that she wasn't able to type properly anymore. [ IIIIII can't beat God Snow! ] Shen Huai replied calmly. [ I know. ] <One Leaf Skiff> reminded: [ Captain Song's identity makes it tricky for him to have a private solo, right...? ] Out of consideration for keeping team tactics confidential, many pro teams had rules forbidding their players from joining competitions on their own or fighting private solos. And even if a pro team did not have explicit rules forbidding it, most pro players wouldn't simply have a PK for fun, because there would always be unscrupulous people ready to make a fuss about it no matter if they won or lost. Shen Huai knew this, but he was sure <Falling Sleet> was Song Xue-Yang and reckoned that Song Xue-Yang wouldn't dare try to fake a dual-play fight in front of him. [ Help me teach my apprentice for a bit. ] After saying this, he waited for Song Xue-Yang to confess through a private mes

[FLOTG] Chapter 21: Misunderstanding

The crowd froze. No one expected a kill-stealer to appear at the last second, and even more so, they didn't expect this person to be Maple Moon's captain, Song Xue-Yang! <Shattered Snow>. This ID had set the world record of 1500 metres for the furthest range for Precision Sniping of a sniper. Although the pro team he led had only finished fourth in the national tournament and had not qualified for the global finals, the sound of his gun was a nightmare for all pros. If the team had been dumbfounded earlier, now they simply wanted to slap themselves to see if they were dreaming. Guan He and Song Xue-Yang... two great gods who currently represented the highest calibre of swordsman and gunner within the nation were actually right here before them right now at the same time. Were all the great gods so free? And then, the group realised the situation and felt rather speechless. Captain Song, you're pretty famous, you know. Don't you think it's embarrassing

[FLOTG] Chapter 20: Guan He

<Phantom Wolf> invited Shen Huai to enter a party tomorrow night for a discussion, but he did not mention that Guan He would be online as well. Shen Huai conveyed <Phantom Wolf>'s intentions to <One Leaf Skiff> and <Desert North>. [ Tomorrow night, we'll all join <Phantom Wolf>'s party. <Drunken Snow>'s clan will also be there. We'll resolve the problem face to face. ] No one said anything in the team for a long time, and then Shen Huai added: [ Sorry, I caused trouble for you all. ] <One Leaf Skiff> was bothered by that. [ Bro, I don't blame you at all. Being unable to fight 1v6 like you just means I'm not as skilled, but <Desert North> was killed over and over again these last two days, and <Drunken Snow>'s clan members even gloated about it with loudspeakers. ] Shen Huai could tell that <One Leaf Skiff> had a minor crush on the healer, and so was clearly mad on her behalf. [ Don'